Friesian Horse | Horse Art | Portrait Painting

Horse on Beach | Painting Commission

This is an oil painting on a wooden board of Lord Dorian the Friesian stallion and his beautiful owner Idania. Idania and Dorian have an incredibly strong bond and it was their close partnership which drew me towards painting them. The painting is of them both together on a beach in Spain. Its an intimate painting of them together.

This was the first time that I have painted on a wooden board. I made the mistake of not priming the board first. This meant that the first layer of paint which I put down just got absorbed into the wood which was really annoying. It took a couple of layers on top of the wood to create a nice surface for painting. 

Once I had the base layers down I then went on top with lots of layers of detail. The painting took 2-3 weeks from start to finish. It was a really lovely piece to do between some much larger paintings. I painted the side of the wood with a dark Paynes grey which makes it look really smart and lovely. 

Friesian Horse | Horse Art | Portrait Painting

Friesian Horse | Horse Art | Portrait Painting

Friesian Horse | Horse Art | Portrait Painting

Friesian Horse | Horse Art | Portrait Painting

Friesian Horse | Horse Art | Portrait Painting

Friesian Horse | Horse Art | Portrait Painting

Friesian Horse | Horse Art | Portrait Painting

Friesian Horse | Horse Art | Portrait Painting

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