Watercolour Hummingbird | Bird Art | Hummingbird Art

I have been working on loads of little watercolour hummingbird studies recently. This is in preparations for the big oil paintings that I will be doing. The little studies are for me to work out colour, markmaking and capturing the movement of the birds. I find watercolour very loose to use, the colours blend on their own making lovely designs. Once I get into the oil I can then use the watercolour shading and try to get the same effect with oil. As oil is denser it's takes longer to get the blend the same way and you don't get the lovely bleeding but using the watercolours helps guide me towards the end result. 

Yesterday I was at Harewood Harewood house bird garden in Yorkshire, I took hundreds of pictures of the birds there, flowers and the nature. It has really inspired me and I had a lovely day there with my mum. I am going to continue working on some more colour and bird studies before I tackle the big oils on canvas. 


Watercolour Hummingbird | Bird Art | Hummingbird Art
Watercolour Hummingbird | Bird Art | Hummingbird Art
Watercolour Hummingbird | Bird Art | Hummingbird Art
Watercolour Hummingbird | Bird Art | Hummingbird Art
Watercolour Hummingbird | Bird Art | Hummingbird Art
Watercolour Hummingbird | Bird Art | Hummingbird Art


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