Watercolour and Digital Sisterhood Illustration | Art Collaboration

Watercolour and Digital Sisterhood Illustration | Collaboration

I was recently asked to contribute to a book which is to be filled with female only artists and illustrations titled and themed "Sisterhood". I was excited to make a piece for them and thought that I would use a mixture of watercolour and digital.

I created two female sisters in watercolour, having fun not being too precise on lines while trying to be loose with the paint in parts. I then scanned the painting in and spent the rest of the time shading and re-drawing parts in Photoshop.

Below was the end result- I am quite happy with it.


Watercolour and Digital Sisterhood Illustration | Collaboration

Watercolour and Digital Sisterhood Illustration | Collaboration

Watercolour and Digital Sisterhood Illustration | Collaboration

Watercolour and Digital Sisterhood Illustration | Collaboration

Watercolour and Digital Sisterhood Illustration | Collaboration

Watercolour and Digital Sisterhood Illustration | Collaboration

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