Horse Under Tree | Horse Wall Art | Horse Paintings on Canvas

Horse Under Tree | Horse Wall Art | Horse Paintings on Canvas

Working in partnership with photographer Agustina Onainty. This horse is called Quidana and she is a 12-year-old Argentina Warmblood. This beautiful mare had been showjumping at a competition in Buenos Aires and in this picture she had just finished her round. The owners had just taken her tack off and put her in a headcollar and were sitting around her. As all the riders were chatting about how their rounds had just gone. There was some noise in the distance from some horses loading into a truck and this is when Quidana looked up from under the tree and Augustina snapped this shot. She was captivated with what was going on in the distance and has an intrigued inquisitive look on her face. What is especially beautiful about this picture is all the shadows from the leaves falling on the horse. The shadows are creating this really beautiful dapples and patterns from the sunlight. I fell in love with this image and just had to paint it. As its such a wow image I wanted to paint it large to really create an impact. 

Horse Under Tree | Horse Wall Art | Horse Paintings on Canvas

Horse Under Tree | Horse Wall Art | Horse Paintings on Canvas

Horse Under Tree | Horse Wall Art | Horse Paintings on Canvas

Horse Under Tree | Horse Wall Art | Horse Paintings on Canvas

Horse Under Tree | Horse Wall Art | Horse Paintings on Canvas

Horse Under Tree | Horse Wall Art | Horse Paintings on Canvas

Horse Under Tree | Horse Wall Art | Horse Paintings on Canvas

Horse Under Tree | Horse Wall Art | Horse Paintings on Canvas

Horse Under Tree | Horse Wall Art | Horse Paintings on Canvas

Horse Under Tree | Horse Wall Art | Horse Paintings on Canvas

Horse Under Tree | Horse Wall Art | Horse Paintings on Canvas

Horse Under Tree | Horse Wall Art | Horse Paintings on Canvas

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